Emily Moore, Britain's first official trolling victim, speaks to My Story Media

Emily Moore was brave enough to stand-up to internet bullies 10 years ago and she is equally fearless now. A gang of teenage girls did their best to make her life hell while she was still at school. She was assaulted, spat on, followed home and had her front door kicked in. This was the infant days of social media and, as Facebook became popular amongst her peer group, the torment soon spilled over to the internet, allowing the bullies to invade her home through her computer. Many young girls would have crumbled if they were subjected to the same viciousness, but Emily never stopped reporting her abusers, or standing up to them, even after one, Keeley Houghton, made death threats on her Facebook account. Today, she is happily married and a successful creative producer at a top fashion company. She is a shining example of how, no matter how blighted your teenager years are, you must never give up hope: you can and will go on to succeed. I was very grateful that she agreed to be interviewed despite the risk this might encourage her childhood bullies to make contact with her again - and I was equally pleased the Sunday Express did her story justice when it published it today.

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